
Since I was a little girl, Noodles have been one of my favorite foods. I could eat it this way for breakfast, lunch or dinner 😀 It is so good. I promise. Try it out for yourself and it is very easy to make too. 


1 lb thin Spaghetti

1 cup grated Carrots

1 cup leeks – thinly sliced

1 cup cabbage – thinly sliced

One large onion finely chopped

4 eggs


1/4 cup butter or margarine 

6 slices of bacon, cut up into small pieces and fried or

1 cup diced ham  or cooked shrimp (Meat or shrimp is optional)

In a saucepan boil the Spaghetti to perfection and set aside. I like to break my spaghetti into lengths of about 3″ before boiling. 

In a large skillet heat the butter and when the butter is melted add the vegetables, salt and pepper (if you so desire) and cook until the vegetables are thoroughly cooked. Add the spaghetti and mix well. Beat the eggs and make a hole in the middle of the spaghetti by pushing it to the sides. Add the eggs and scramble it. Mix it in well with the spaghetti. Add the meat and stir well if you decide to add the meat. I like to sautee the ham or shrimps before I add it to the noodles. You can make this dish a vegan dish by not adding the eggs and using a cooking oil instead of butter or you can make it a vegetarian friendly dish by not adding any meat. 

Enjoy with a meat curry curry or by itself or  with some ketchup.